A Multi-purpose Discord bot.
Exodus is hosted on the fastest servers we can afford! With any future donations we will be able to improve our speeds.
Any data stored by our bot remains unknown to third party sources. We do not share any data you share with us to anyone not involved in the Exodus development.
Offers a wide range of commands! Users are able to suggest commands that we validate and add weekly!
x?setup - Auto configures the bot to the server it is in
x?kick - Kick a mentioned user from the guild
x?ban - Ban a mentioned user from the guild
x?unban - Unban a user from their ID
x?mute - Mute a user
x?unmute - Unmute a user
x?tempmute - Temporarily mute a user for a selected amount of time
x?purge - Purge up to 100 messages in a channel
x?slowmode - Set a channel slowmode
x?nickname - Change a mentioned users nickname
x?help - Display help categories
x?help (category) - Display all commands within the specified category
x?ping - View Exodus's latency
x?serverinfo - Display all information about the guild
x?userinfo - Display all information about a mentioned user
x?discrim - Display a list of all users with the same discriminator as you
x?membercount - Display the number of members in a guild
x?permissions - Display the list of permissions a mentioned member has
x?avatar - Display a mentioned members avatar, or your own
x?bird - Display a random image of a bird
x?blush - Display a randomly generated blush gif
x?cat - Display a random image of a cat
x?cry - Display a random crying gif
x?dog - Display a random image of a dog
x?8ball - Ask the 8ball any question and recieve an answer
x?flipcoin - Flip a coin to get a result of Heads or Tails
x?fortunecookie - Display a randomly generated fortune
x?fox - Display a random image of a fox
x?gay - Rainbow flag over a user's avatar
x?gayrate - Gay rate a mentioned user
x?hack - Hack a mentioned user
x?hug - Hug a mentioned user
x?kiss - Kiss a mentioned user
x?say - Return a string through the bot
x?snap - Catch a user in 4K, snipes the recently deleted message
x?snipe - Regular snipe command